[e-Salon] What can philosophers offer us in confinement times?

  • 28/04/2020
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • e-salon - Registration link will be emailed in advance


Perspectives from Philosophy & Science


What can philosophers offer us
in confinement times? 

Join us for a conversation with writer and philosopher Julian Baggini to consider how philosophy can help each of us get to grips with our unprecedented circumstances - and even prevent us from slipping back into old ways. We'll also be hearing from Full Circle member and neuroscientist Zuzana Kasanova on stress resilience and what it really means for us as individuals and social groups.


Julian Baggini is a British philosopher and author of several books about philosophy written for a general audience, which often link philosophy to the concerns of ordinary life. He is co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Philosophers’ Magazine, and also writes and broadcasts for The Guardian and the BBC. He has written for numerous newspapers and magazines, as well as for the think tanks The Institute of Public Policy Research, Demos and Counterpoint. He was a founder-member of the Humanist Philosophers’ Group in 1999 and remains a patron of Humanists UK, in particular helping to promote secularism in schools.
Zuzana Kasanova is a neuroscientist that studied the connection between the brain and human behavior at the University of Maryland, Maastricht University and KU Leuven, where she obtained her doctorate in 2015. Thereafter as a researcher at KU Leuven and Comenius University in Bratislava she channeled her expertise in motivation and stress resilience in mental disorders into personalized therapies in mental health care. In her current role as a Translational Program Manager at the KU Leuven Research & Development, her mission is to help bring scientific innovation to the healthcare market and create impact on patients’ lives. 


    • Our virtual salon will take place from 8 – 9.30 pm CET
    • Login details will be sent by email to all registered participants in advance.
    • There is no charge for this event, but a donation would be appreciated.
    • Places are limited as we still plan to prioritise participative  discussion over lectures (as in our classic Full Circle events).
    • There are only 50 tickets available, with a limited number for non-members.


      Donate via bank transfer to:
      Full Circle asbl
      IBAN: BE80 3631 2766 5477
      Ref: e-Salon Baggini


      • How the World Thinks: A Global History of Philosophy (2018) 
      • A History of Truth: Consolations for a post-truth world (2017) 
      • Freedom Regained: The Possibility of Free Will (2015) 
      • The Ego Trick (2012) Should You Judge This Book by Its Cover? (2009) 
      • Welcome to Everytown: A journey into the English mind (2007) 
      • The Pig That Wants to be Eaten and 99 Other Thought Experiments (2005) 
      • What’s It All About? Philosophy and the Meaning of Life (2004) 
      • Atheism: A Very Short Introduction (2003)

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